Halloween Night Food Ideas

N-joy has a new branch called N-joy Parties so we are starting to share some party ideas with our followers. Holidays and parties go hand-in-hand. This brings us to Halloween night, which is usually a crazy busy night. If it falls on a school and work night (like this year), it’s a mad dash of getting costumes on and out the door for trick or treating. Dinner usually takes a backseat on Halloween night because, come on, who has time to mess with a small little detail like that when there’s candy to get!

Being an event planner, I love a good theme and holidays allow me to create some fun surprises for our little monsters. Here, I’m sharing two great ideas that you can use this Halloween to get your kiddos excited about the rest of the night!


First up are the Witch Brooms! These are so cute and our kids LOVE them! They are perfect and quick enough for your own family, but if you are making them for a party, I would suggest prepping ahead of time. It doesn’t take too long, but pulling apart the “bristles” of the broom does take a bit. This would be great as an after-school snack before getting into costumes.


String Cheese Witch Brooms


  • Mozzarella string cheese sticks
  • Pretzel sticks
  • Chives or green onion (I used green onion, cut into strips and tied in the back of the “broom”)


  1. Cut the cheese sticks in thirds.
  2. Using a small knife, cut the bottom part of each half into strips.
  3. Insert a pretzel rod into the uncut end of the cheese stick. Not too far or your cheese will split (I learned this after making 2). I inserted it until it was just in enough to stick.
  4. Wrap cheese with chive or thin strip of green onion and knot. I knotted mine to the back.

I adapted my process to fit my needs from the instructions on One Little Project.  Disclaimer: the kids don’t like anything “weird” and they think the green onions were weird. I keep them on the ones that I will eat because I like the flavor they bring to it, but I leave them off of the ones the kids will be eating.


Next are the Mummy Dogs! This is a quick and easy variation of pigs in a blanket. Kids love pigs in a blanket and turning them into mummies adds an element of surprise that they aren’t expecting. They take only about 10 minutes of prep and 15 minutes of bake time so this really is the perfect Halloween night dinner option! Check out the directions on Pillsbury’s website but don’t worry too much about cutting the “bandages” perfectly or really even getting the exact amount of them cut. I used anywhere from 2-4 on each hot dog. There really is no exact science to this, just be creative and wrap them however you feel is right. This is even a great dinner that the kids can help with!

Hope you enjoy these ideas and that they help you out this Halloween!


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